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A comprehensive study, EV Readiness Index 2022, reaffirms what dealers and vehicle manufacturers are facing: a significant shortfall in the U.S. between the need for electric-vehicle charging availability and the number of states making any headway at all in public charging.
The study by LeasePlan also notes there are promising initiatives to add to public charging stations, but they will take years to fully implement. Dealers, faced with reinventing themselves in the transition to an EV market, can take this as an opportunity to become the educational and supply source for charging options and for everything that supports a complete, top-notch EV customer experience.
Another way to think about this: While dealers are reinventing themselves, their customers are doing the same. They need to be comfortable about moving to EVs and will like the convenience of their dealer helping them make accessory choices. Making a full line of accessories available gives dealers a valuable start in building their EV customer base. Portable chargers, for example, will help fill the gap in the public-charging shortfall and give customers more confidence in switching to EVs.
Dealers also can develop their EV customer base by providing information about EVs and sustainability in general and be there to answer questions or give advice on making EV choices.
Here are a few considerations in becoming a successful EV dealership:
Michael Boehm (pictured, left) is general manager of Juice Americas, a subsidiary of Juice Technology, a provider of portable charging stations for electric vehicles.
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